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The Land of Love
http://www.sheepproductions.com/billy/billy.swf?autoplay=true&f0=http://www.afghansonline.com/ads10/01%20more%20of%20you%20magic!).mp3&t0=&total=1" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="200" height="10" name="billy" align="middle" type="application/x-shockwave-flash


Hello and welcome to my blog
Thank you for stepping by here
I am a hopeless romantic girl
with a heart of steel.


Butterflies don't know the colour of their wings, but human eyes know how beautiful it is. Likewise , you don't know how good you are, but others can see you special.
be divine, be proud, be happy :)

Skins by: IlliShuhada
Basecode : PikaChan
Best viewed in Mozilla and Google Chrome
Adalah haram untuk buka page source dan curi code di sini


You learn something new everyday if you pay attention - Ray LeBlond 
Life will only change when you become more comitted to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Live to the fullest because life is a one time ticket. One friend said this to me,  stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals. Yes its true and verified that bcs i get that a lot recently. Lots of people trying to put me down just bcs i am capable in what im doing. Everything i do, i do it wholeheartedly without any doubt that i will fail. People hates it so much. Acknowledge that they can surpass me, they plan on taking me down.

There is two type of people,
the one who looks outside, a dreamer.
the one who looks inside, an awakers 
Which one are u?